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The Greater Markham Area (GMA) hub spans both the UK and Dutch Continental Shelves, and comprises of the Spirit Energy-operated Markham, Chiswick, Grove and Kew fields, along with the Total Energies operated J3C, K1a, nd K4aD fields. Gas from all of these fields are processed across the Spirit Energy operated J6A platform and exported via the 160km long WGT pipeline system to the Den Helder onshore terminal, where it undergoes separation, conditioning, and distribution. 

The J6A platform, a six-legged steel jacket structure installed in 1991, was originally designed to produce gas from the Markham field, in which Spirit holds a 37.5% equity interest. Production from the Markham field began in 1992, and in 2006, a compression tower was added to the west of J6A to support low-pressure gas compression. With no further production anticipated from Markham, the J6A platform now serves as a processing hub for gas from the neighbouring Chiswick, Grove, Kew, J3C, K1a, and K4aD fields.

Spirit holds a 100% equity interest in both the Chiswick and Kew fields, which were brought online in 2007 and 2013, respectively. Gas from these fields is commingled at the Spirit-operated Chiswick Normally Unmanned Installation (NUI) and transported to the J6A platform via an 18 km, 10-inch pipeline.

Similarly, the Grove field, where Spirit holds a 92.5% equity interest, also commenced production in 2007. Gas from Grove is commingled at the Spirit-operated Grove NUI and sent to the J6A platform through a 14 km, 10-inch pipeline.

Production started
Average interest across all fields
Project lifecycle
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